A detailed look at what you’ll get in 30 days with Put-Thru.


What We Guarantee

1. Your audiences will be made up of humans so the ads your serve will be seen and reacted to, by humans.

2. There will be a significant lift in website visits almost immediately, and that lift we be sustained during your time as our client.

3. You/your company will have ownership and possession of the marketing data.

4. Our team will build out the tech so you don’t have to and we will show you how to access the information we provide so that it becomes usable to you immediately.

5. We will produce, refine and seek approval for all creative and subsequently will market test it to ensure maximum engagement.

6. We will never use your capital to deploy tactics that don’t work or stop working.

7. You will be made aware of every success, and you will be made aware of everything we try that fails. We learn equally from what doesn’t work as we do from what does. You will as well.

8. You will be smarter about marketing working with us than you are right now.

You would already own:

Roughly 5,000 records of people that showed interest in what you sell that would be de anonymized and include details like:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address (where legal)
  • Cell number (where legal)
  • Intent category

Multiple impression to over 7,500 people showing intent with:

  • Customer journey tracking
  • Creative and message A/B test results informing you on best practice
  • Landing page analytics allowing for conversion testin

Analytics form tens of thousands of touches informing your campaign on:

  • Best ad
  • Best offer
  • Best opt-in channel
  • Performing audience segments
  • Non-performing audience segments
  • Channel analytics (which platforms are working best)
  • Which platforms are under performers
  • Next steps in tactic testing for conversions

Re-marketing funnels form

  • Engaged audience would be placed into high frequency conversion messaging funnels
  • Non-engaged would be placed into nurtering sequences
  • Display pixels would be serving across platforms to saturate and reach more people on platforms they are present
  • Funnels on platforms like Meta begging to fill and deploy conversion messaging

What would be taking place in real-time:

Roughly 1,500 people identified by intent would be active in nurturing sequences

  • Email sequences
  • Lower frequency saturations and awareness sequences
  • Offers/promotions deploy
  • Lead-gen- opt-in/meeting scheduling messaging deploy

Non engaged audiences begin to get purged and replaced by new high intent audiences

  • Reach grows
  • Volume increases
  • Analytics become even more clear on next steps
  • Audience segmentation plays out
    • Non-performing audiences drop off
    • New intent categories get added to test
    • Analytics begging to deepen on audience ID performance

Non engaged audiences begin to get purged and replaced by new high intent audiences

  • Conversion tracking showing results
  • Customer journey tracking
  • ROI model gains visibility
  • Predictability surfaces
  • Full report on all campaign activity including:
    • Engagement success
    • Conversion results
    • Areas for improvement
    • Next steps
    • Creative performance
    • Audience performance
    • Messaging performance
    • Channel performance
    • Tactic performance

All of this is just the result of 1 month of utilizing Put-Thru.

Your business will gain valuable insights informing you and our team on what is working and equally important, what is not. We learn which audiences are best and which under perform. Which tactics work and which tactics under perform. And while all of this building, this strategy delivers trackable results. Our first month is better than our competitors’ 6th month and we are just getting started

Schedule a call to get started now!