Put-Thru for Business to Business

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The B2B space is full of antiquated approaches to marketing that require a data purchase or LinkedIn’s platform at the center. The fact is, there are far better ways to identify and convert for B2B campaigns.

The whole world of marketing and lead generation has changed and the only guarantee you have is that you will never email and In-mail your way to success; despite the hundreds of emails and In-mail you get telling you otherwise. Look at your own LinkedIn mail box and your email inbox. See anything getting you excited? Neither will your prospects.

Identifying people that work at particular companies with certain job titles falls short of the reality you face- you need to good timing, great messaging and the right tactic to break through. Companies that promise to de-anonymize 15 or 20 percent of your web visitors do nothing to improve the audiences itself and de-anonymizing 15-20% are novice numbers targeting generic traffic. There is no “there” there…

The truth is you need to be channel and platform agnostic. When an ad on LinkedIn can be served to a person identified with high intent, great. But when that person isn’t on LinkedIn but they’re on Meta or other websites presenting the opportunity to serve the ad, then serve the ad.

“Serve the damn ad” is the 2024 version of “Call the damn leads.” But for this to work, your tech stack has to change; something the rest of the B2B marketing world wont or can’t deliver, but they know we are right.

You have to start with an audience that factors in more than baseline selects like ‘job title’. Instead, your ad spend needs to be focused on the “in-market” audiences for your product or solution. Google will waste a ton of your money with click fraud so getting the data needs to be different. A device graph.

Marketers have been able to see intent surrounding topics like search, content consumption website visits and the like for several years but they all fail at the data component. Put-Thru identifies the in-market audiences based on intent but pulls it through a 1st party device graph to deliver actual Bitos and MAIDs making the audience addressable on ANY ad serving platform but also, at the same time, eliminating bots and mechanical MAIDs. That means you get an audience 100% comprised of actual people illuminating real intent that you can democratize across every platform you want.

The MAJOR benefit to that is the ability to own and actually legally posses the data as well. Our tech stack de-anonymizes 85-95% of that data after a single ad is served for use across channels like email, texting, customer journey tracking and attribution modeling. Companies that can only de-anonymize a fraction of the traffic are blind on the audience itself and cannot speak to accuracy of the data, the intent with which they visited and can only deliver a fraction of usable information. Their limitations are spelled out in the promises they make. The fact is a fractional approach will inherently deliver a fractional result. There is a better way and it doesn’t cost more to deploy it, in fact, our approach delivers a compressed cost structure that is completely turn-key.